Join the Memphis community along with a few professional athletes as we celebrate Global Climbing Day at Memphis Rox! There will be FREE admission, a bounce house, delicious food, a boulder competition with sick prizes, and music to liven up the party!
Global Climbing Day marks the culmination of the Walls Are Meant For Climbing campaign, a global movement created by The North Face to foster community through the power of climbing. We see walls as a way to unite with one another through the sport of climbing – a sport that requires trust and partnership. Global Climbing Day’s purpose is to encourage us all to work together in an effort to overcome challenges, push boundaries, and build a community united by difference, bound by empathy, and strengthened by understanding.
Meet the Pro Climbers Who Are Going to Celebrate With Us!
In climbing, we view walls not as obstacles, but as opportunities.
We believe that equitable access to those opportunities make our communities and our world stronger.
Together we can build a more equitable future-starting with gyms and mountaintops.